The Importance of Authentication in Designer Handbags
The market for vintage designer bags has always been hot, and because of the high level of desirability of these bags, many people are buying like-new vintage instead of new bags in order to save on price. One of the biggest problems the market is facing, however, is the growing influx of counterfeit bags that are flooding the market. Unfortunately, many of these counterfeit bags are hard to differentiate from the real thing. Only someone who is an expert on each brand’s serial numbers, stampings, stitching, and construction can always spot the differences.
Many people are turning to the online market to find their dream bags, but unfortunately, there’s plenty of issues with the online market. Counterfeits are becoming harder and harder to differentiate through online shopping. The market of counterfeits is so difficult to navigate at this point in time that many online resellers don’t necessarily know that they have counterfeit items in their stock. Many online resellers are amateur bag owners, or people who don’t necessarily know how to identify an authentic bag, meaning that they may think their bag is authenticated and real, simply because they don’t know better. Additionally, there are plenty of resellers online who knowingly sell counterfeit bags, and usually at a massive discount. If you’re buying online, or in person, if the bags price seems to good to be true, it likely is!
One of the easiest ways to mitigate many of these risks is simple: shop in person. But make sure that the store you would like to go to is knowledgeable about handbags. Most secondhand goods dealers are not experts on all the different designer handbag brands either and may inadvertently be selling counterfeits that they believe are real.
Fortunately, Leo Hamel Fine Jewelers in San Diego sells only authenticated bags. Our in-house experts know exactly what details to look for, and have access to authentication databases most people don’t for absolute confirmation. All vintage handbags that are available in our showroom or online through our website are guaranteed to be 100% authentic! Most bags are in like-new condition, so no one but you will know that you bought second hand. Additionally, because you’re buying vintage, the bags cost a lot less than brand new.
Visiting consignment shops, especially local businesses, not only supports the local business and their work, but allows you to be confident in your purchases. Removing the middle man, the shipping, and the counterfeit potential tends to be the route that people choose over online shopping, especially as the world has opened back up and it’s easier to visit these local businesses that offer authentication services.
Leo Hamel Fine Jewelers in specific has experts on staff who specialize in handbag and designer vintage authentication, and by purchasing from our showroom, you’re engaging in the vintage designer reselling market, and finding your dream bag without worrying about having to wade through counterfeit bags, price gouging, and all-around shady selling practices.
Our selection of Chanel, Hermés, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Rebecca Minkoff, Yves Saint Laurent, and many more changes all the time. Or if you’re looking for something super specific, tell us what you’re looking for and we’ll put our team to work to see if we can find it so you don’t have to navigate the market.
Whenever you are in the market for a hot deal on a like-new vintage designer handbag, visit our showroom at 1851 San Diego Ave, San Diego CA 92110. We also accept your like-new designer handbags on consignment so you can get money for something that’s just sitting in your closet! Call us anytime, Tuesday – Friday from 11am-6pm, or Saturday from 11am-5pm.