Every woman knows the difference a quality handbag can make. From the normal wear and tear of daily use to treating handbags like our own portable junk drawer, our bags can take quite the beating. More often than not, handbags are chosen based on their appearance- and that’s totally fine! We all need at least one bag we truly love that easily fits with any outfit or occasion. But have you ever considered the long-term benefits of purchasing designer handbags?
Now, you might be thinking that a price upwards of thousands of dollars is a ridiculous amount of money to spend on a purse. Trust me, it’s not an uncommon point of view; however, we’re here to change your mind and help you realize why investing in a luxury handbag is worth your hard-earned money.
As we just mentioned, it’s important to purchase a style of handbag that you truly adore. But you should also consider the quality of the material used, the size of the bag, and the resale value in case you ever find yourself looking to sell or upgrade.
Considered the “holy trinity” of luxury handbags, Chanel, Hermès, and Louis Vuitton are the top 3 brands to purchase for investment purposes in 2018. Here’s why:
If you’re a fan of luxury handbags then you’ve probably heard of the Chanel 2.55 bag, the brand’s most successful and iconic handbag. Well if you adore the 2.55, you’re sure to love its more contemporary sister, the Chanel Classic Flap Bag. The Classic Flap is very similar to the 2.55 just with a few modern upgrades- the clasp features interlocking CC’s and the strap includes interwoven chain and leather. The bag is available in 4 different sizes- small, medium-large, jumbo, and maxi- to allow you to decide what better meets your needs. It’s also available in a variety of different colors, allowing you to choose a subtle black or a pop of color for your arm candy.
Another popular and investment-worthy Chanel handbag is the Chanel Boy Bag. Introduced in 2011, the Boy Bag has already become as popular and valuable as the Classic Flaps. The resale value of both bags retains or increases depending on leather, hardware and demand. These babies have consistently remained in high demand, so you should expect to recoup more than 50% of the retail price.
Investing in a Hermès handbag is a very smart decision because of their rareness. Hermès only produces limited quantities of each handbag, creating an exceptional level of scarcity and exclusivity. So what does this mean for you? Whether you purchase the renowned Birkin bag or the refined Kelly bag, you should expect to see more than 90% of the retail value as resale prices only continue to increase.
Now, let’s talk style. Both the Birkin and the Kelly bag have a very chic look about them. Hermès only uses the best of the best when it comes to leather and hardware- you’ll be able to see and feel the quality of your bag even after you’ve owned it for a few years. They are also the ultimate status symbol. If you’re looking for a bag that shows the world you know fashion and you know it well, Hermès will always come in clutch (pun fully intended).
Louis Vuitton is one of the most popular designer brand names out there. And with the quality of their product, there is no reason to wonder why. LV fully tests all their handbags for durability before putting them on the market, so you know the Neverfull will last you a lifetime. It’s also one of their most successful handbags, which increases its already-high demand.
The name of this bag truly says it all. With all the room you have to pack in your necessities, it’s almost like it never ends (insert Harry Potter reference about Hermione’s magic handbag here). This is the perfect bag for day-to-day use and it can easily transition into an overnight bag since there is so much space. Another bonus? This gorgeous tote typically retains 85% of its resale value. And if it’s a limited edition bag, the resale value can double! The initial expense might make you hesitant, but the payoff in the future is worth the investment.
If you’re convinced you need a designer purse, head over to the new Leo Hamel Boutique & Consignment Shop on San Diego Avenue. Not only will you find some of the most popular handbags from Chanel, Hermès, and Louis Vuitton, there are so many other options to choose from! All handbags at the Leo Hamel Boutique are vintage, meaning shopping is more affordable for you and sustainable for the environment. Find authenticate brand name handbags for less than full retail price…it’s luxury handbag heaven!
And don’t forget- we’re always looking for new inventory to fill our store. If you’re looking to make some extra cash, consign your designer clothes, shoes, handbags and accessories to Leo’s and you’ll receive cash or store credit the minute it sells!