Summer is here, the temperature is heating up, and that refreshing pool has never looked more welcoming. But wait! Have you removed your jewelry before taking a dip? Your fine jewelry pieces can be delicate and require special care no matter what season, but be careful when engaging in summertime activities because they can pose a serious hazard to the safety of your luxury goods!
If you think back to your high school chemistry class, you’ll recall that metals are composed of chemicals, as is the chlorine used in pools and hot tubs. Though these chemicals are great for killing bacteria and ensuring safety for swimmers, they are not great for the safety of your jewelry. Contact with chlorine can result in weakened metals, discoloration, dulled gemstones, and can even break or seriously damage pieces. Imagine taking a plunge into the pool and losing a precious stone due to a frail or broken prong. Coming into contact with chlorine can really lead to some devastating damages to your treasures. And don’t forget – this pesky chemical is also used in many of your common household cleaning products, so make sure you remove your jewelry before you go on a summertime cleaning spree!
In addition to chlorine, chemicals contained in body sweat also have the ability to damage certain metals like silver. The same goes for popular summertime necessities like sunscreen or bug spray, which can get stuck in the tiny cracks and crevices of your jewels – causing stones to fall out or soft stones like opals to break down and disintegrate. The chemicals in these products can also dull the finish of your gemstones and metals. Even natural elements such as sunlight can alter the appearance of your jewelry with extended periods of exposure, bleaching colors and tarnishing finishes.
If you’re a fairly active person, make sure you’re cautious with your jewelry when participating in athletic activities. It’s not just sweat that can ruin your belongings! Playing sports can damage your jewelry pieces, no matter how sturdy they may seem. So before you jump into that game of beach volleyball or take to the court for a round of tennis with your friend, make sure you’ve removed your precious items.
Once the sun starts to shine, it’s hard not to want to spend your entire day outdoors, but even simple household activities like gardening can harm your valuables. Planting soil contains tiny rocks and other materials that are abrasive and can cause permanent damage to your belongings if not immediately repaired or cleaned.
It is important to properly maintain your jewelry year-round, but there are a few tips that should be practiced regularly in the summertime. Always store your jewelry in a clean, dry place and avoid contact with direct sunlight. When cleaning your items, it’s best to use a soft cloth that is not abrasive, avoiding paper towels or bath towels as they could potentially cause scratches. Gently wiping jewelry after each wear is recommended to remove dirt and natural oils that your body produces. If you notice any imperfections, bring your jewelry to a trusted jeweler right away for inspection and repair. And even if your jewelry is in mint-condition, it is wise to have your items professionally cleaned by a jeweler at least once a year.
If you’re in the San Diego area and are looking for a place to clean, polish, and restore your jewelry so it’s as good as new, visit Leo Hamel Fine Jewelers today. We offer free cleaning services whether you purchased your item from us or elsewhere.